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Add Server

To import a new server to ICDC Compliance, click the Add server button at the top right of the screen.

The add server window opens. Click Next to continue.

  1. Basic server information:

    • Server name – any short name for the server;
    • Operating System – windows or linux (OS of the server);
    • Server Description – optionally.

  2. Connect information:

    • Host name or IP – random name for the server/exact hostname or IP-address;
    • Protocol - protocol for a set of rules and guidelines for data transfer;
    • Port – SSH port or WinRM port;
    • Proxy server - intermediate server between the user and the target server. The field allows to select a proxy server from previously created suitable servers.

  3. Authentication

    The first step in authentication is to check the server preparations. Depending on different operating systems, different preparation steps are required.

    • Authentication type:
      • for Windows OS users - password (adding a server using a password from the VM)
      • for Linux OS users – password/SSH key. When choosing authentication by SSH key, the user must also enter the Private key, which he previously generated through the terminal.


        Ensure that the user executing the commands has the required access level. It is recommended to use the root user for Linux and the admin user for Windows.

        For Linux, it is advised to connect as a regular user (e.g., admin) and then use the Switch User field to add the root user for command execution. The password can either be the current user's password or the root user's password.

    You can also switch the server user. The following options are available to the user:

    • Sudo with password. You need to enter the username of the target user, the default is root. The password is used to switch to the target server user. In most cases, it’s the password of the current user. However, depending on the Sudoers configuration, it’s may also be the password of the target user.
    • Sudo without password - only the username of the target user is specified.

  4. Summary

    Check all the fields and wait until the connection checking ends. If the result is successfull, press Add Server to proceed.

    The server loading window will appear, then - a notification about adding a server.

    Press All servers to go back to the control panel and view or Go on to proceed to the added server. The added server will appear in the the overall server list.

    Now you can go to the added server card, where you can launch the scanning.

Server Removing

To remove a server, click Remove in the dropdown menu on the server card.

After confirming, the server will be deleted.