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The ICDC platform provides users with the ability to efficiently and securely manage computing resources.
This document describes the key concepts and main features of the platform, which form the foundation for users' interaction with cloud resources.

The diagram below illustrates the general structure of the interaction between Locations, Accounts, and Users within the platform:


Key terms and their functional purposes:

  • Location - an autonomous part of the cloud installed on dedicated hardware (e.g., LOC1, LOC2, LOC3). It represents the physical location of computing resources such as virtual processors, RAM, and storage.
    Each location includes internal infrastructure components and has a unique three-letter code that incorporates a country code.
    Within a location, Accounts are created by the location administrator.
    A Location is managed by an Operator, who may use their own equipment or third-party hardware.

  • Operator — the owner of a private or public cloud business managing one or more Locations.

  • Regional Location (REG) manages user access and roles for Accounts and resources.

  • Account is an organizational structure where computing resources are hosted, and a group of users is defined. Each account is isolated within its own security perimeter, allowing users to create and manage their own information systems.
    Every user belongs to at least one account. An account can be accessible in multiple Locations simultaneously.

  • Resource Partition — a part of a Location's resources allocated to a specific Account and limited by the account's assigned quota.

User Roles

The user's role determines the functionality available in the services:

Role Assignment Scope
Operator Owner of a public or private cloud business. Objects of all Accounts in the Location.
Owner Users fully responsible for account actions, security, and billing. All objects within the Account.
Admin Manages Account settings and user actions, ensuring security, but cannot manage billing. All Account objects except billing settings.
Member Views and uses all services of the Location. Only their own objects.
Billing Legacy role, but still supported for now. Own objects and all objects in Reports.