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The Firewall tab displays the information on the security groups set and allows for changing their settings.
A security group is a virtual firewall that uses configured security rules to protect access to virtual machines in the network.

The created security groups are shown in the list, where you can see general information for each of them:

  1. Name - internal group name (up to 20 symbols, lower case);
  2. Rules - number of security rules set for the group;
  3. Assigned VM NIC - number of assigned network interfaces.

To see more details, click on the name of the security group to open a page with information about it. After that, it will open in a new page.
It contains information about the VM NICs included in the security group and the security rules that apply to them.

To add a new security group, press Create security group, enter its name in the modal window and press Save.
After it appears in the list, you will be able to assign virtual machines and add security rules.

Security Rules

The Rules section displays the security rules created for the group and their parameters:

  1. Traffic - direction of data flow (inbound/outbound);
  2. IP Type - type of IP addresses;
  3. Port range - range of IP addresses allowed for data traffic;
  4. Protocol - type of protocol used for data traffic;
  5. Remote security group;
  6. Remote IP network.

To add a new rule, press Add Rule, fill in the fields of the modal window, and press Save.
After that, the new rule will appear in the list and apply to all assigned VM NIC.

By means of the context menu on the right, you can change the rule's settings or delete it.

Network Interfaces

The Assigned VM network interfaces section shows the list of virtual machines included in the security group and their parameters:

  1. NIC - name of the network interface;
  2. Service - service image of the virtual machine;
  3. VM Name - name of the virtual machine;
  4. ID - identification of the VM;
  5. MAC - physical address of VM;
  6. IPv4 - IP address of the VM in the IPv4 format;
  7. IPv6 - IP address of the VM in the IPv6 format.

Roles and permissions

Action Member Admin Billing Operator Owner
View Security Group
Create Security Group
Delete Security Group
View Security Group
Add Rule
Delete Rule
Assign NIC
View assigned NIC
Delete NIC