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Port-Forward is a network service that allows to send external incoming traffic to some TCP/UDP port from public IP to the private IP address of your virtual machines. Usually, it is used to expose some application port (e.g., HTTPS, SSH, RDP) to the internet.


Be careful and NEVER open unsecured applications (plain-text protocols or secured with default passwords) to the internet.

Port-Forward only sends traffic to virtual machine's private IP, but Firewall (Security Groups) can block all incoming traffic. So open VM private port with Firewall's Security Group.

Port-Forward can be requested in several ways:

  • In Networking in application Port-Forward;
  • In Compute during requesting a new service from catalog, selecting Advanced Settings > Public Remote Access required protocols;
  • In Compute for existing service, click Networks > Public Access;
  • In Compute by requesting separate catalog item Port-Forward.


At the moment port-forward can be configured only on primary public IP address of the account, which auto-assigned during account creation.

Port-Forward creation

In the Port-Forward tab, the serviсe users can view the information about port-forwards for selected location.

For port-forward in the general list, the following information is displayed:

  1. PF Name;
  2. External IP and Port - public IP address;
  3. Protocol - protocole type - TCP/UDP;
  4. Service for PF;
  5. Internal IP and Port - private IP address of VM;
  6. PF Status.

To add a new port-forward, press the button Create Port-Forward.

In the dialog window, enter the name, select the protocol type - TCP/UDP and service ID, specify the External Port, private IP address and Internal Port. Click Create.

Roles and permissions

  • Users with role Admin are responsible for overall security of the account, so they can view, create or remove all account's Port-Forwards.
  • Users with role Member can view, create and remove Port-Forward only for their own services.
Action Member Admin Billing Operator Owner
View Port-Forward only own only own
Create Port-Forward
Delete Port-Forward only own only own