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Creating S3 User

To get started with S3, the ICDC Storage user must create an S3 User and configure its resource limits.

To create an S3 User, click the Create New S3 User button and fill in the following fields in the appeared window:

  • Name - the unique S3 user name;
  • Description - brief S3 user's description;
  • Owner - user's email;
  • Storage type - nvme/ssd/hdd,hdd-2,legacy;
  • Space (MiB) - maximum storage size;
  • Objects quota - maximum number of objects in storage;
  • Buckets quota - maximum number of buckets.

Click Submit to save and create a new user.

After the S3 user is created, it will appear in the list of users on the user page.

S3 Usernames in Storage V1

To ensure proper functionality, unique S3 usernames and bucket names must be used within a single Ceph cluster.

S3 Usernames in Storage V2

In Storage V2, S3 usernames will include information about account ownership.
Username format: account name (prefix)$ + unique S3 username
Example: acc$user1

Roles and Permissions

Action Member Admin Billing Operator Owner
Add Quota Storage V2 Storage V2 Storage V2
Edit Quota Storage V2 Storage V2 Storage V2
View S3 Users only own
Create S3 User
Edit S3 User only own
Lock/Unlock S3 User only own
Remove S3 User only own
Generate New Keys only own